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Sunday, May 25, 2008

T-Shirts Now on Sale


T-shirts are being sold now to wear at the
football game on August 29th!

The class of 1998 will have their own section at the game & we would love to see our Alumni wearing the tees to support the reunion & our home team!

Pre-order yours today for only $15.
Payment must be received by August 15th.
Check or cash only.

If you want your shirt early, please send in your address
along with the order form.
Otherwise, shirts will be passed out at the game.

Send you payment to:
Sara Paonessa (Bailey)
P.O.Box 400545
Las Vegas, NV 89140

SHS 10 Year Reunion

T-shirt Order Form

Name: _____________________________________________

Address (if shipping shirts): _________________________


_______ Check here if picking up shirt at game

Please indicate the number of each size ordering:

___ S ____M _____L _____XL _____ XXL _____ XXXL

Total # of Shirts: ________

Total Payment Enclosed:

# of Shirts _____ x $15.00 $_________ Total Due

**Please print off this form & mail it with your payment.
(You may have to copy & paste it into a Word document).